Lubartów Ministers Subzone pursuant to the Council Regulation of 13 September 2011. The same regulation on the Mielec economic zone. This act expanding the areas of the Special Economic Zone Euro-Park Mielec with new locations, including the areas located in Lubartów at ul. Gas. The land you want to use for the European Union program in the project, "Find land for projects" under the Operational Measures Development of Eastern Poland 2007 - 2013.
These activities were awarded in the Grunt na Medal 2010 competition organized by the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ).
The Lubartów Subzone in the Euro - Park Mielec Special Economic Zone is being expanded with an area of nearly 20 ha of investment land.
In 2017, pursuant to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of June 28, the borders of the Special Economic Zone EURO - PARK MIELEC were extended. In addition to the zone with decreases in the ownership of the city of Lubartów, two areas underground with a value of 4.39 ha were enlarged.
As of 2018, the area of Poland, the area of one zone, which was recently issued, spent all potential investments or other industrial areas on and in its vicinity.
We invite you to the Investor Service Office, which is located in the City Hall of Lubartów, room 4, to create a presentation, or contacted the phone number / fax +48 81 85-44-603