According to data from the Central Statistical Office of Poland, the unemployment rate registered in Lubartów in 2020 was 7.1% (7.2% among women and 6.9% among men), while the values for the poviat are 11.3%, and for the voivodship 8.2% . The labor market situation for the city is more favorable than the situation for the poviat and voivodship. The registered unemployment rate in Lubartów is 0.8% higher than the rate for the whole of Poland. Chart no. 1 Estimated unemployment rate registered in Lubartów in the years 2004 - 2020


In 2020, the average gross monthly remuneration in Lubartów was PLN 4,369.45, which corresponds to 79.10% of the average gross monthly remuneration in Poland. Among the economically active inhabitants of Lubartów, 1,631 people go to work in other cities, and 2,324 working people come to work from outside the commune - so the balance of arrivals and departures to work is 693 people. According to data from the Central Statistical Office, in 2020 55.2% of economically active residents of the Lubartów poviat worked in the agricultural sector (agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing), 17.9% in industry and construction, and 8.9% in the service sector (trade, vehicle repair, transport, accommodation and catering, information and communication) and 1% in the financial sector (financial and insurance activities, real estate services). Chart No. 2 Average monthly gross wages and salaries (PLN) in Lubartów in the years 2002 - 2019


The chart below shows the level of employment in individual years from 1995 to 2019. From the mid-90s, ie from the liquidation of two large state-owned companies in the city, a steady slightly downward trend can be noticed until 2008, when the economic crisis followed and another significant slump in the employment market. A steady increase in employment has been recorded since 2013. In the same year, in the fourth quarter, the first of the companies located on investment areas prepared by the city started its operations, generating over 500 jobs.

